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New Orleans, La, United States
I like to write about the things in this world that excite, anger, and inspire me.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Quick Note About Lady Periods

I think "gender equality" issues are really tricky because some degree of inequality and mystique is necessary in our social structure. That said, I will try to keep this brief. Sometimes things that, on the surface, seem empowering for females backfire hard, and I've got a pretty swell example for you today.

I guess it seems like it's about damn time that men knew exactly how trying and taxing and goddamned annoying our periods are, right? Particularly in the wake of all this discussion about birth control, a faction of women has emerged that feels that it is necessary to shout to the world how bloated and crampy and grouchy and miserable they are when Aunt Flo comes around.

All this does is support the ridiculous notion that women are incapable of being productive, rational members of society literally a quarter of the time. Furthermore, it makes it ok for asinine guys to say things like, "Wow! She must be on the rag!" when we get upset about legitimate things. So quit it.

That is all.