About Me

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New Orleans, La, United States
I like to write about the things in this world that excite, anger, and inspire me.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 15 (Tuesday, 4/30)

This one could go a million different directions, and I'm not at all sure what I'm going to do yet, but...

15. An element of your favorite holiday

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your house
6. Something from your childhood
7. Something in your kitchen
8. The view out of your favorite window
9. An eye
10. A hand
11. A mouth
12. You favorite feature on your body
13. Your favorite feature on another's body
14. A leaf
I love Halloween. I love dressing up, carving pumpkins, and candy/ baked goods. I also love the time of year when the Nightmare Before Christmas starts coming on TV, as it is probably my favorite movie of all time. I drew Jack Skellington's ghost dog, Zero. This is white chalk pencil, black conte, and red crayon on black construction paper. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 14 (Monday, 4/29)

Ok folks, I skipped Sunday (and still haven't posted my drawing from Saturday! oops.) and think I am going to skip weekends entirely from now on, because I have had serious trouble keeping it together. Starting today, we are moving on from the human body stuff and into something that I find to be very closely related: nature.

14. A leaf

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your house
6. Something that reminds you of your childhood
7. Something in your kitchen
8. The view out of your favorite window
9. An eye
10. A hand
11. A mouth
12.your favorite feature (your body)
13. Your favorite feature (someone else's body)
As I sort of mentioned above, I find the connections between the human body and other things in nature to be endlessly fascinating. For that reason, I used my own hand print to make the veins in my leaf.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 13 (Saturday, 4/27)

Today's assignment is an extension of yesterday's

13. Your favorite feature on someone else's body

Previous Challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your house
6. Something that reminds you of your childhood
7. Something in your kitchen
8. The view out of your favorite window
9. An eye
10. A hand
11. A mouth
12. Your favorite feature on your own body
My munchkin's piggies.

Friday, April 26, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 12 (Friday, 4/26)

We are approaching the end of the body parts segment of this challenge, but I think this day poses a couple of interesting questions. First, what do you love about yourself, physically (and why)? And secondly, how do you get a look at it to draw it? ;)

12. Your favorite feature on your body

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your house
6. Something that reminds you of your childhood
7. Something in your kitchen
8. The view out of your favorite window
9. An eye
10. A hand
11. A mouth
I love the dimples in my lower back <3 graphite="" p="">

Some Insight Into My Vonnegut Thing on a Night When I Miss Him

I have one tattoo on my body, and it's a tattoo I got impulsively out of grief that is not necessarily justifiable. This tattoo is located on my upper right rib cage and it says So It Goes.

There are a lot of authors to whom I have emotional attachments, but in most instances those attachments extend to their work and not far beyond. J.D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey may have literally saved my life on a couple occasions. I understand that that sounds like an extremely dramatic statement, but it might seriously be true. That said, I had mixed feelings about Mr. Salinger as a human, and when he died, my biggest question was whether or not they would find unpublished manuscripts I could enjoy. (Selfish, buddy, so goddam selfish.)

Recently, I was sad when Ray Bradbury died, Tearful when Maurice Sendak died, I have many living authors with whom I would love to correspond forever. But Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is the one I can't get over, and I feel like I owe myself and everyone else an explanation.

First of all, his fiction.
       The man wrote novels that were interwoven with one another without being necessary to one another's survival. This requires both foresight and careful respect for one's own work, both of which are admirable qualities. He also wrote a character who was representative of himself without being masturbatory, which is practically unheard of. He also managed to make everything about respect for human life and intellect without making those qualities so pure that they became mythological. He was also alternately funny as fuck and tender as can be. His short fiction is probably some of the most underrated in the American universe. He wrote what he knew and extrapolated it to otherworldly environments, and he was good as shit at it, which is why terms from bokonism became part of his everyday expression of himself.

Secondly his non-fiction:
     If you take the time to read essays and opinions that Vonnegut published from the beginning of his career until basically his death, you will find one underlying theme: the value of human life and the dignity that all people deserve. This should not be a surprise, seeing as it is basically the point of all of his fiction, as well. However, seeing it out in stark terms from his own heart and in his own, unfiltered voice, makes it more real. If you have not, everyone in the universe should read the letter he wrote to a member of a school board who decided to burn "vulgar" books: http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/03/i-am-very-real.html. Everyone should also check out the collection Wampeters, Foma, and Granfalloons.
This was a strong, principled man with a sharp mind that was backed by a compassionate heart. Too often we forgive nastiness or cheapness from people who are perceived as intelligent.

Thirdly, his life:
     We so often think of successful thinkers and artists as tortured people and fuck ups and individuals deserving of leniency when it comes to judgment because of their artistic contributions. Vonnegut needed no leniency nor would he have asked for any. He raised his own children as well as several of his sisters to be successful, honest adults and never even spoke badly about military careers despite his experiences with Dresden.

All of this combined, plus the times when I chose to lean on Vonnegut's humanism and kindness as opposed to nastiness and anger that so many other authors and artists offered, left me feeling like Kurt was a grandfather figure, an American humanist who we could not afford to lose. When he died in 2007 I was really, truly upset. Five years later, in April of 2012, I still felt like I was mourning. Every time I read something of his or even something that REMINDED me of him, I would feel an honest hole in myself. I felt like I needed to pay tribute to my man, declare myself one of his people, and remind myself of what he would say about his own, or any, death: So it goes.

I know this might not seem rational, but it honestly made me feel better, and I still think of my boy Kurt as a family member, and no one can change that.
It is never a mistake to say goodbye.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 11 (Thursday, 4/25)

We are still continuing the body part series, and today is another one that is generally considered problematic or difficult, especially when teeth get involved!

11. A mouth

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your house
6. Something for your childhood
7. Something in your kitchen
8. The view from your favorite window
9. An eye
10. A hand
I did three graphite studies from three Victoria's Secret models. This is by far my biggest weakness when it comes to drawing faces. I have a tendency to draw what I know instead of what I see. It's a big problem when it comes to mouths because they tend to be much less symmetrical than your head wants them to be.
addendum: The reason mouths are so hard is because we all have this disgusting thing going on inside of our heads. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 10 (Wednesday, 4/24)

We are 1/3 done!! And to celebrate, day 10 is one that a lot of people hate:

10. A hand

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your home
6. Something you remember from your childhood
7. Something in your kitchen
8. The view out your favorite window
9. An eye

These are both my left hand. I wanted to do one hard and high-tension and one soft and relaxed. I wish the picture quality was a little bit better, but life goes on!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 9 (Tuesday, 4/23)

Day 9 is the beginning of a short series of anatomy/body part tasks that I am kind of excited about. Going to try to put more time into these.

9. An eye

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your home
6. Something from your childhood
7. Something in your kitchen
8. The view out your favorite window
An eye. graphite.

Monday, April 22, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Day 8 (Monday 4/22)

8. The view from your favorite window

Previous Challenges:
1.Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your home
6. Something that reminds you of childhood
7. Something in your kitchen

The window to my back yard. It is my favorite because I can keep an eye on my kid playing out there while I get work done. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 7 (Sunday 4/21)

7. Something in your kitchen

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favortie room in your house
6. Something that reminds you of your childhood

Remember this guy?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 6 (Saturday 4/20)

6. Something you remember from your childhood

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your home
The Assateague Lighthouse. My family used to vacation in Chincoteague/Assateague pretty much every summer when I was a kid, and I still love the islands today. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 5 (Friday 4/19)

5. Your favorite room in your home

We are 1/6th done! Thanks to ppl who have been instagramming and twittering and facebooking along. Are we having fun yet!?

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
My living room. After some drinks.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 4 (Thursday 4/18)

4. A food item

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
A heart-shaped pretzel in a fancy frame, mechanical pencil

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 3 (Wednesday 4/17)

Today's challenge is:

3. An animal

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love

Don't forget, you can interpret these challenges as literally as you want, so feel free to go crazy and get creative!
I had very little time for this one, so I did a quick conte crayon drawing of a thestral, which is an animal that only exists in the Harry Potter universe, so it is therefore awesome. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 2 (Tuesday 4/16)

Ok, I know a few people played yesterday, but none of you shared!! tsk, tsk. Today's challenge is...

2. Someone you love

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
I drew my pug blanket using crayola glitter crayons. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 1 (Monday 4/15)

This is the beginning of a thirty day drawing challenge that will involve one wide-open "assignment" per day and allow participants to interpret the tasks however they want. The original purpose of this challenge was to force myself to draw/sketch/paint/whatever a little bit every day, and I figured there might be other people who would like to play along. I have intentionally kept assignments extremely vague so that they can take a few minutes or hours, be interpreted literally or abstractly, etc. I will share each day's blog post (like this one) on facebook and twitter, and I encourage you, if you want to play, to share your results and @ or tag me. When I complete each day's challenge, I will post my drawing at the bottom of the corresponding assignment blog post (like this one) and on social media. I hope some of you will enjoy this, as well! Without further ado, the Day one assignment is...

1) Your bed
I did a 15 minute conte crayon sketch, with my 2 yr old drawing in bed next to me as the subject. He also contributed some scribbles while I was on the phone.