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New Orleans, La, United States
I like to write about the things in this world that excite, anger, and inspire me.

Friday, April 26, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 12 (Friday, 4/26)

We are approaching the end of the body parts segment of this challenge, but I think this day poses a couple of interesting questions. First, what do you love about yourself, physically (and why)? And secondly, how do you get a look at it to draw it? ;)

12. Your favorite feature on your body

Previous challenges:
1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your house
6. Something that reminds you of your childhood
7. Something in your kitchen
8. The view out of your favorite window
9. An eye
10. A hand
11. A mouth
I love the dimples in my lower back <3 graphite="" p="">