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New Orleans, La, United States
I like to write about the things in this world that excite, anger, and inspire me.

Monday, May 20, 2013

30 Drawing Chllenge: Day 27 (Monday, 5/20)

I can't believe the drawing challenge will end this week! It feels like it has been way more than a month. Well, it has, with the skipped weekends... but I digress. I feel as if I have been reaching for some skills I haven't used in a while, so this has been useful. The first challenge of the final week is:

27. A landscape

I mad this on a really fantastic ipad app called Procreate while following along (not very faithfully) to the Best of The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross, which is a hobby of mine. This was the first time I thought to reconfigure the scatter on the airbrush tool to make leaves! woohoo! 

Previous challenges:

1. Your bed
2. Someone you love
3. An animal
4. A food item
5. Your favorite room in your home
6. Something that reminds you of childhood
7. Something in your kitchen
8. The view out of your favorite window
9. An eye
10. A hand
11. A mouth
12. Your favorite feature on your body
13. Your favorite feature on someone else's body
14. a Leaf
15. A symbol of your favorite holiday
16. A symbol of your country
17. The first word you learned to say
18. An object with a strong glare
19. An object with a strong shadow
20. A transparent object
21. A TV character
22. One object from three different views
23. An object that you always see from one view, from another
24. A room, where a corner is directly in front of you
25. Something dead
26. Something alive