About Me

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New Orleans, La, United States
I like to write about the things in this world that excite, anger, and inspire me.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And so it begins

I used to write something every day, whether it was a poem, a short story, a diary entry, or something altogether nameless. I was for quite a while a fan of the "free writing" system for countless reasons ranging from a belief in "creative juices" and their inherent desire to flow, to simple self indulgence. Unfortunately, the online social revolution has ruined me and I don't often feel the desire to write without some kind of perceived audience.

Out of this sickening dilemma springs this blog, shamelessly named after two terms coined by an author named Neal Stephenson, whose "SciFi" label doesn't begin to do him justice. This blog lacks purpose beyond giving me somewhere to spew bits of hacked up literature to imaginary millions from the comfort of my home.

At 24 years old, 4 months pregnant, and clueless as to where the future is taking me, I am happy, a little bit bored, and anxious to write some shit down whether anyone reads it or not.

I intend to write every day, and I do not intend to transform this endeavor into a meandering ode to my unborn child, but I imagine his influence may creep in from time to time.

Enough about me, from here on out this blog will be pure self-indulgent slop cleverly disguised as something much more noble. And that's sort of a promise.